Just One Breath

An American girl in Scotland, figuring things out one step at a time

Is a Makeup Trial worth it?


As some/most of you know, I wear very little to no makeup on a daily basis. With the wedding less than 2 months away I thought it would be a good thing to have a makeup trial. This is something I recommend for all brides to be. Practice on yourself and also go to a professional or two to try different looks.

When shades of the cruelty-free, animal hugging vegan I once was reared its head, I went to the PETA website and looked up cruelty free cosmetics, cross-referenced Debenhams website for cosmetic counters and then proceeded to do laps around the store looking at which counter had girls, and in some cases boys, with the least horrifying make-up on. I chose Clinique.

I spoke to the lady there and told her that I was looking for a natural look, if there is such a thing at these counters designed to sell you the earth in little tubes and tubs. I don’t want to look massively different from myself, just a polished fresher version. I set up an appointment and paid my £20 deposit, which will be a credit towards the purchase of products, sneaky buggers.

While I waited for my appointment date, I watched about 100 videos on youtube on how to apply wedding make-up and even had an unplanned Aveda makeover. I have also been practicing simple things that will add to my eyes and make them look pretty and not too done up. I am getting good at eyes but when it comes to foundation and general face things I am clueless, so I was really looking forward to learning about skincare products, foundation, lipstick and maybe blush. I had a £/$ amount in my head that I knew I would spend and a ceiling that I would not go over.

On Monday the 13th, I went to Clinique and proceeded to have my makeup done. I “learned” my skin type, was recommended products that I should use to clean and moisturize my face and learned how to apply foundation. The eye make-up application I already knew and that was the same. I had a little trick up my sleeve though. I knew it was this persons job to sell me every product on the shelf. I had already purchased my Clinique recommended colors a few years back, so when she recommended a color scheme that was the one that was right for my skin tone I wanted to test her sincerity. I whipped out my little eyeshadow compact and showed her exactly the colors she just recommended for me. Yes, I still have it…remember I rarely wear makeup. She back peddled immediately, seeing her sale go down the toilet, stating that it is a really nice everyday palette but for the special occasion of the wedding I should “break out of my box and try something new.” Haha, the cheek! I let her try all of the colors she liked and wasted some of her time since I felt that she was wasting mine. I had my friend take pictures that I was going to post with this but seeing me wearing more makeup than a hooker, well…this is something best kept for Halloween.

So, all in all, a little bit of information was gained about foundation but I still feel that I am going to do my own make-up, if Kate Middleton can do it so can I. I did purchase some products and came home with a ton of free ones from a giveaway that was going on, look for these when an appointment is being made. I chose wisely and didn’t let her talk me into anything I didn’t want/need. The saleswoman in me knows the tricks, I used to use some of them. I stayed on target and went home spending £20 less than I said was my max…go me.

Makeup lessons I have learned …

1) Is a makeup trial worth it?

I still say yes if only to make you feel more comfortable with the way you do your own makeup. You may find that the person does an absolutely amazing job and have it done on the big day also.

2) Know your limits.

Just because it is “recommended” doesn’t mean you need it. Get only what you need and are interested in using independently and more frequently than on your special day.

3) Follow your gut.

If you don’t like it have it taken off and redone.

4) This is your day and you have to be comfortable.

Wear as little or as much makeup as you are comfortable with.

And finally…

5) Know what lighting and flash photography will do to foundation and shadow, this is important.

Do you want to look all white faced or not blended or just a mess…? Take some time researching makeup videos. Many makeup artists have videos that are really useful for learning some tricks.

So, take your time in deciding what you want to look like on the big day and ask your partner too. I did this every time I put on makeup or had it done because I really value his opinion. He wants me to look like myself but has really liked the trials I have done on myself. Good Luck… Be Beautiful. Pictures of my Wedding Day makeup will be posted in August. x heather

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